A new study shows the importance of provincial and federal rebates in increasing electric vehicle (EV) adoption in Canada.
Narrative Research conducted an online survey of 1,231 Canadians between November 11-13, 2020, asking how likely they are to buy a new or used car in the next year. As a follow up, the survey also asked if they are considering an EV as their next vehicle purchase.
Four in ten Canadian (41%) responded they are considering buying a car in the next 12 months. Of those, more than half (54%) are considering an EV.

Broken down by province, British Columbia (57%) and both Ontario (56%) and Quebec (56%) had the highest likelihood of buying an EV. New Foundland had the lowest likelihood at just 12%.
Related: Newfoundland gets $2.2 million to install 28 EV chargers across the province
The survey also asked about the importance of provincial rebates in addition to federal rebates, and if they would encourage them to purchase an EV. Of those that were less-than-fully interested in an EV, more than half (55%) said the additional rebates would make them more likely to consider one.

Unsurprisingly, the province that showed the highest interest in an additional rebate was Ontario. Until 2019, Ontario had the highest provincial rebate in the country at $14,000. One of the first actions the new Ford government took after it came to power was to cancel the rebate, which led to Tesla suing the province for damages.