Tesla developing stacked Superchargers to charge cars on transport carriers

A unique configuration of Superchargers has been spotted at Giga Berlin, indicating Tesla plans to charge vehicles after that have been loaded onto transport carriers.

Last month Drive Tesla received information the automaker was working on a concept that would allow vehicles to be charged while on a car carrier. The concept was described as a “stacked Superchargers” that would charge all cars on the truck at the same time.

It appears as though Tesla is in the process of building at least two prototype versions of these new stacked Superchargers at Giga Berlin.

During a drone flyover of the factory on Sunday by flybrandenburg, two platforms were spotted in the thick fog.

One of the platforms had three Superchargers on each of the lower and upper levels, for a total of six Superchargers, the same amount as the number of Teslas loaded onto European car carriers.

The second platform only has one Supercharger on each level installed at this point.

Based on the footage, it appears as though the transport truck would be loaded up with vehicles and then drive up next to these platforms, where each car could be plugged in to receive a full charge before heading off to a delivery center.

With near daily flyovers of Giga Berlin, we will likely see more of these stacked Superchargers in the days to come, and they could be getting some use very soon.

Tesla is reportedly set to receive the final approvals for the factory to begin manufacturing customer cars later this week. Tesla is also reportedly planning a grand opening ceremony, tentatively scheduled for March 22, in which CEO Elon Musk will be in attendance to deliver the first 30 made-in-Germany Model Ys to lucky new owners.

You can check out the full drone flyover below. The stacked Superchargers appear at 15:27.


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