September 18, 2024

Tesla begins construction of Supercharger in Gananoque [Ontario]

Tesla has started construction of a new Supercharger in Gananoque, Ontario.

Back in June we discovered the new 8-stall Supercharger was coming to the Canadian Tire located at 705 King St E. Today it was found under construction by @bitswift_tech, who shared a photo of the site on Twitter. (h/t: @MarcoRPTesla)

Based on the photo construction is already well underway with the pedestals already installed and covered up. There is still however a fair amount of work left to do to fill and repair the parking lot in front of it.

The Supercharger is located in the northeast corner of the lot near King St E and Carmichael Dr.

The Gananoque Supercharger is located about 30km east of Kingston just off the 401. There is currently one other Supercharger under construction along this route in Cobourg.

Unfortunately the long-awaited Brockville Supercharger is still nowhere to be found. It should pop up soon however as Tesla is now targeting Q1 2023 for it to open.

This is the second piece of Supercharger news for Ontario today. Earlier we told you about construction of the new Kemptville Supercharger about 110km away from Gananoque wrapping up and coming online this week.

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Tesla Supercharger in Kemptville now open [Ontario]

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Second Tesla Supercharger in Edmonton starts construction [Alberta]

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