Saskatachewan is now home to eight Superchargers, after the new station in North Battleford was powered up yesterday.
The new North Battleford Supercharger is located at the Discovery Co-op Mall at 9800 Territorial Dr. Construction began in late August, with Dave Stevenson of the Saskatchewan Electric Vehicle Association confirming on Facebook they had been activated.
TMC forum member Hambo later confirmed they were turned on, sharing pictures of his Model 3 plugged in and receiving a charge.
The opening is the first of three planned Superchargers along the Hwy 16 route connecting Saskatoon and Edmonton. The other two stations in Lloydminster and Vegreville are currently under construction.
The Supercharger could have opened up even earlier had it not been for some vandalism.
While the site was waiting to have the power turned on, someone cut and removed one of the V3 charging cables, likely for the copper inside of it.