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Tesla’s Fremont factory to remain open during shelter in place order, deemed ‘essential business’
Several California counties yesterday announced a shelter in place order to keep residents in their homes to combat the spread of the coronavirus, including Alameda County, the location of Tesla’s Fremont factory. The factory, which […]

Tesla Gigafactory 3 Shanghai phase 2 construction update
After the outbreak of the Coronavirus brought activity in China to a standstill, it appears the Tesla China team is almost back in full swing as they achieved a milestone step in the construction of […]

Two new features hinted by Elon Musk in an upcoming software update
Always willing to take good ideas from fans and put them into action, Tesla CEO Elon Musk recently took some helpful suggestions and it appears they might make it into a future software update. The […]

Newest Tesla V3 Supercharger in Abbotsford BC now live
This past weekend we saw the Supercharger expansion in Surrey, BC finish up with all 20 stalls available for Tesla owners. We also saw the new Supercharger in London, Ontario come online briefly for testing, […]

Rainway now allows you to play any PC game in your Tesla
Tesla has the best infotainment unit in the auto industry. With the V10 software update last year, it got even better with the addition of YouTube, Netflix, Spotify, and a number of other new features. […]

Source code in Tesla’s latest software update hints that stop light and stop sign recognition and action may be just around the corner
Last year Tesla CEO Elon Musk was hopeful that “feature complete” Full Self-Driving (FSD) was going to be released before the end of 2019. Unfortunately that deadline was missed, but a recent dive into the […]