Tesla sets new records with 405,000 vehicles delivered in Q4 and 1,313,000 in 2022

Tesla has published their Q4 2022 and full year production and delivery figures, and has been able to set new records by delivering over 400,000 cars for the first time in a quarter and producing nearly 1.4 million in the year.

Tesla Q4 2022 Production & Deliveries

In the final three months of the year Tesla produced 439,701 new cars. This record setting number was mostly Model 3 and Model Y cars, which accounted for 419,088 of the total, with the remaining 20,613 made up of the flagship Model S and Model X.

With the record production, Tesla also set a new record for deliveries, handing over 405,278 EVs to new owners around the world. This figure easily surpassed their previous record of 343,830 set in Q3 2022. Not only is the figure an all-time record for Tesla, it is also 31% higher compared to last year when Tesla delivered 308,600 cars in Q4 2021.

This delivery figure is just below analyst estimates, which came in at an average of 417,957 cars delivered in Q4.

Q4 2022

Production Deliveries Subject to operating lease accounting
Model S/X 20,613 17,147 9%
Model 3/Y 419,088 388,131 4%
Total 439,701 405,278 4%

Tesla 2022 Production & Deliveries

With the record-setting quarter, Tesla also easily set a new record for annual production and deliveries, thanks in part to two new Gigafactories, Giga Berlin and Giga Texas, contributing to the totals.

For the full 12 month period Tesla produced 1,369,611 cars at their four vehicle Gigafactories, and delivered 1,313,851, once again easily surpassing their 2021 records of 930,422 vehicles produced and 936,172 vehicle delivered last year.

Their delivery figure is also 40% higher than their 2021 total of 935,722 cars delivered, putting them very close to their goal of 50% year-over-year (YoY) growth.

Unfortunately Tesla did not include and production or delivery figures for the Semi, after handing over the first units to PepsiCo in November.


Production Deliveries
Model S/X 71,177 66,705
Model 3/Y 1,298,434 1,247,146
Total 1,369,611 1,313,851

Tesla had this to say on their record quarter and year.

In the fourth quarter, we produced over 439,000 vehicles and delivered over 405,000 vehicles. In 2022, vehicle deliveries grew 40% YoY to 1.31 million while production grew 47% YoY to 1.37 million.

We continued to transition towards a more even regional mix of vehicle builds which again led to a further increase in cars in transit at the end of the quarter.

Thank you to all of our customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders and supporters who helped us achieve a great 2022 in light of significant COVID and supply chain related challenges throughout the year.

Tesla says they will publish their financial results for Q4 and 2022 after markets close on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, followed by their typical live Q&A sessions at 4:30pm CT (2:30pm PT).

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