Tesla raises salaries at Giga Berlin by 6% for many employees

Tesla has raised the salaries for many of its employees at Giga Berlin following criticism that their wages were too low and hampering the company’s efforts to hire as many as 12,000 workers by the end of the year.

Earlier this month IG Metall, Germany’s leading automotive labour union said they had received reports from staff working at the new factory that they are receiving inadequate or unequal wages compared to similar positions at other automakers.

In consultation with Giga Berlin’s works council, Tesla has decided to increase the salaries of many of its workers by 6%. The new salary levels will take effect on August 1, 2022, and will apply to employees on the factory floor as well as managers of those teams, according to an internal memo reviewed by Drive Tesla.

This increase will likely not satisfy IG Metall, which says based on their analysis Tesla’s salaries at Giga Berlin are some 20% lower than those being offered by its competitors. In a statement to Reuters last week, the industry group said Tesla was already offering new employees more pay, a move they said would threaten to “damage industrial peace.”

IG Metall has not commented on the new pay raise for Giga Berlin employees, but we will update this article if and when they issue a statement.

Tesla outlines their plans for Giga Berlin’s 247 acre expansion

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