Electric vehicle (EV) drivers in the capital city of British Columbia will soon be able to get a boost at the city’s first DC fast charger.
In collaboration with BC Hydro, the City of Victoria is currently installing two DC fast chargers in the downtown area on Store Street between Johnson Street and Pandora Avenue. Construction is expected to be complete by April.

The City of Victoria currently has the highest rate of EV adoption in Canada. Mayor Lisa Helps says the addition will help the province reach its targets for zero emission vehicles.
“British Columbia’s Zero Emissions Act 2019 requires that by 2040, all new light duty vehicle sales and leases must be zero emissions vehicles” said Mayor Lisa Helps. “Greater Victoria has the highest percentage of EV sales in Canada and the City is excited to break ground on this fast charging station that will support this transition to zero emissions vehicles.”
The new chargers will complement the 19 existing level 2 public chargers located in the city’s five parkades. Six new level chargers were recently installed on Broad Street.