Yet another keying of a Model 3 caught on Sentry Mode

It sometimes feels like a broken record that we’ve all heard before time and time again. Some seemingly random person walks by a Model 3 with their keys in hand and not-so-gently keys the side of the Tesla, only to be caught on camera by Sentry Mode.

This latest case of vandalism comes from Santa Clara, where Justice Frimpong (let’s hope his name is an indication of things to come), an Amazon Software Engineer returned to his vehicle only to find a huge gash down the side. What’s different about this case is that he published his reaction, also caught on Sentry Mode, upon returning to his vehicle. As fellow Tesla owners, we can really sympathize with his reaction after seeing the damage to his doors.

Other recent keying videos we’ve seen include two in Canada, where a man in Edmonton was caught on camera, and eventually turned himself in after seeing the video online. Another one in Surrey BC remains unsolved. Let’s hope the internet is able to do its thing and identify this vandal so that justice can be served.

Model 3 keying suspect Bay area

Justice has posted a number of videos to his Twitter account, go check it out.


With the help of police, the suspect was found, and he admitted to keying the Tesla, and will be paying for damages. Justice comes through in the end!

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