Two Victoria BC residents attempting to drive across Canada using Tesla’s newly complete Supercharger network

It was just over a week ago that Tesla officially completed the linking of the west and east coasts of Canada by opening over 20 new Superchargers locations within hours of each other.

Now two Tesla enthusiasts from Victoria, British Columbia are attempting to make the fastest cross-Canada road trip in their Tesla Model 3 using only Tesla’s Supercharger network.

Kevin Belanger and Don Goodeve planned the trip spontaneously on December 26, Boxing Day, deciding to start their trip began just two days later on December 28 at 5:00am from Mile Zero in Victoria.

Their goal, if weather cooperates with their plans, is to arrive in downtown Halifax at Kings Wharf Place, on January 1, 2020. They have plans to contact the Guiness World Records, and hope to make it into the record books as the fastest trip across Canada in an electric vehicle using only Tesla Superchargers.

According to their Facebook page, which is chronicling their journey across Canada, the pair have already made it to Bassano, Alberta.

Kevin Belanger, the owner of Tesla Tours, has spent the last 3 years demonstrating the convenience and luxury available to travelers to Victoria, BC using purely electric transport. His vehicles charge using the 4.5kW of installed solar capacity on the roof of his house in Victoria. He now runs 3 vehicles; an original 2012 Model S, a 2016 Model X and the original 2018 Model 3 that we will be making this trip in.

Dr. Don Goodeve is an Executive Coach and Engineering Consultant based in Victoria, BC.

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