September 14, 2024

Medicine Hat Supercharger nears completion, closes the gap across Canada

Despite building out its Supercharger network rapidly around the world, there has been a large gap in central Canada, with no signs of construction of any Superchargers for several years. Then earlier this year, Tesla CEO Elon Musk directly mentioned this gap and plans to fill it during a Q&A session with investors and shareholders. Continuing with its plans to expand the Supercharger network across Canada, it looks like one gap in the network is closer to being filled with signs that the new Supercharger in Medicine Hat, Alberta is nearing completion.

A member on the Tesla Motors Club Forum KiloV posted photos over the weekend showing that construction is nearly complete, showing all the underground utlity work complete. It now appears to just be waiting for the Supercharger stations to be connected and the power to be turned on by the local utility company.

Tesla is one step closer to fulfilling its promise to provide a Supercharging network to easily allow a Tesla owner to drive from coast to coast.

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