September 10, 2024

Tesla surprises with first Tequila deliveries today

The first shipments of Tesla Tequila have started showing up in mailboxes in the US today, less than one month after they first went on sale.

There have so far been two reports of the uniquely shaped bottles being delivered in Florida earlier this morning. According to one of the lucky recipients, the package was delivered by UPS and shipped from Palmetto, Florida without any notification from Tesla that the package had been shipped.

Given the package was shipped from Florida, buyers in other US states should expect to start seeing them arrive soon. In an update to his original post on Reddit, Tesla-Tesla said he received a shipping notification after his delivery from ‘Speakeasy’, the fulfillment company for the tequila. The email said to expect his delivery in 3-5 days.

According to others who have reportedly received their bottles, since the package contains alcohol the delivery person will not leave it at the door, instead requiring someone to physically receive the package.

Unfortunately due to complex liquor distribution laws, the limited edition Tesla Tequila could not be ordered in Canada. Not all hope is lost though as CEO Elon Musk did say the uniquely shaped bottle and separate shot glasses will be available to order worldwide soon. The only catch is there will be no tequila included.

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