Tesla production needs to increase to keep up with demand: Elon Musk

With just a few weeks left to go in 2020, Tesla CEO Elon Musk has emailed employees asking them to do what they can to increase production to keep up with demand.

In the email, first obtained by Tesmanian, Musk describes the situation as a “high-class problem”, saying demand has outpaced production so far in the fourth quarter.

Tesla has maintained its annual guidance of 500,000 vehicle deliveries despite a 2-month shutdown of its main manufacturing facility in Fremont. With that goal clearly in reach, Musk asked employees to do what they can to increase production “as much as possible.”

To reach their annual guidance, Tesla needs to deliver 182,000 vehicles in Q4, 42,700 more vehicles than it did in the previous quarter. With production ramping up at Giga Shanghai and a record number of November deliveries in China, things are looking very positive for the automaker.

A full copy of the email is below.

“We are fortunate to have the high-class problem of demand being quite a bit higher than production this quarter.

To ensure that we have the best possible outcome and earn the trust of the customers and investors who have placed their faith and hard-earned money with us, we need to increase production for the remainder of the quarter as much as possible.

I would only send this note if it really mattered.

Btw, please send me a note directly if you see ways to improve output, but feel that your voice is not being heard.”

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