12 new EV charging locations open in Ottawa

After some delays, twelve new EV charging locations have opened in the City of Ottawa.

The chargers are in the Somerset, Rideau-Rockcliffe, Rideau-Vanier, Kitchissippi and River Wards.

The new EV chargers are public chargers but do have a fee associated with using the charger.

As per Ottawa’s director of economic development and long range planning, the locations of these chargers are not by accident. Don Herweyer said:

Locations are distributed throughout inn-urban neighborhoods, which have a higher population density to maximize potential revenue. They also have been targeted to higher-than-average population of renters who may not have the ability to install charging stations at their place of residence.

The chargers were supposed to be installed in September 2021, but construction delays pushed them back.

Ottawa residents can find the new chargers at these locations in Ottawa.

  • 245 Crichton St.
  • 186 Main St.
  • 283 Cyr Ave.
  • 6 Oak St.
  • 170 Primrose Ave.
  • 122 Daly Ave.
  • 118 Cartier St.
  • 930 Wellington St. W.
  • 1755 Lycee Pl.
  • 301 Laurier Ave. E.
  • 190 Richmond Rd.
  • 113 Beechwood Ave
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