New Jersey’s Bergen County purchases Tesla Model Y for police use

The trend of police departments going electric, and in particular with Tesla vehicles, shows no signs of slowing down. The latest to join the ranks is Bergen County, New Jersey.

The Model Y was purchased by the Bergen County commissioners as part of a pilot program that allows for public safety agencies throughout the county to try out electric vehicles (EVs).

The electric SUV was added to the fleet to help lower the county’s carbon footprint, as well as meet local and federal goals in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Despite the higher upfront purchase price compared to traditional gas police cars, Commissioner Tracy Zur says the purchase of an EV doesn’t come at the cost of performance.

“We don’t want to sacrifice performance, so by purchasing the Tesla, which is on par with what we pay for a Tahoe or an Intercept, we can give departments and municipalities the chance to try out a electric vehicle. It will give them comfort to see that performance will not be sacrificed,” Zur told NorthNewJersey

Earlier this year the county also purchased a Chevy Bolt EV. Both the Model Y and Bolt will be used by different departments through the community policing division.

It is hoped that the Tesla will not only save the police department money through lower fuel and maintenance costs, but also create positive interactions with the public.

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