Tesla shuts down orders for the Model 3 Long Range in Canada and the US

A few months ago Elon Musk warned Tesla may stop taking orders on some vehicles due to “ridiculous” demand.

Today the automaker followed through on those words and is no longer taking orders for the Model 3 Long Range in both Canada and the US.

In an update to the online Design Studio this afternoon, the LR variant is now greyed out and can not be selected. Underneath the option the website says ordering will resume in 2023.

Prior to this update, the Long Range variant was showing an estimated delivery window of between November 2022 and January 2023.

Given that relatively short timeframe, there is speculation Tesla may have shut down orders because of the impending EV tax credit in the US.

However, the change is also applicable for Canadian orders, so this seems unlikely to be the reason.

According to the Design Studio, all other models and variants are still available to order.

Were you on the fence about ordering a LR Model 3 but hadn’t hit that order button yet? Will this push you to either the RWD or Performance variant? Let us know in the comments below.

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