September 17, 2024

Redding Police Department given green light to purchase Tesla Model 3

Another police department is purchasing a Tesla. In a 4-1 council vote last night, the Redding Police Department (RPD) in California received approval to purchase a Model 3.

According to a report prepared for council, the total cost of the Standard Range Plus (SR+) Model 3 is estimated to be $55,000 USD. That includes $10,000 to add emergency equipment, $3,000 for a vinyl wrap and RPD decals, and another $500 for a Tesla High Power Wall Connector (HPWC).

As part of their due diligence, several other EVs were considered, but none could match the Model 3 for price, utility, and proven record for use as a police vehicle.

  • 2020 Hyundai Kona EV, retails for approximately $37,000 (this SUV has no prior use as a patrol vehicle and emergency equipment is not available)
  • 2020 Toyota Mirai, retails for approximately $58,000 (out of price range)
  • 2020 Kia Niro EV, retails for approximately $39,000 (this SUV has no prior use as a patrol vehicle and emergency equipment is not available)

Daniel Beans, Director of Electrical Utility for Redding, says that cost of the Model 3 is the same as what they would have spent on a traditional gas powered patrol vehicle.

The RPD is expecting to see big savings by going electric. The report notes that other PD’s are seeing average fuel and maintenance savings of between $7,000-$9,000 per year.

The Model 3 will be purchased through the Redding Electric Utility’s (REU) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) funded Fleet Electrification Program. It will replace a 16 year old Ford Crown Victoria special event car and primarily be used by the Community Service Officer (CSO) assigned to Neighborhood Watch and the Good Neighbor programs.

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