The Tesla Referral Program is showing signs of life again. After the company ended the popular program for car and solar panel purchases last month, it has now restored half of what was taken away.
Unfortunately it is not for car purchases and free Supercharger credits. Tesla has reinstated referral awards for solar panel purchases.
According to an update on the Referral Program website and Tesla mobile app, solar panel purchases made with a referral link are eligible for a $300 award.
The $500 award for solar roof purchases remains unchanged.

According to the terms of the program, the referral award is not able to be added after an order is placed. Additionally, the award is only granted after the solar roof or solar panels are approved to operate on the grid from your utility provider.
If you are interested in purchasing a solar roof or solar panels and live in the United States, you can use our referral link here.
Tesla Solar Panels and Solar Roof now bundled with Powerwall