2022.24.5 Tesla Software Update & Release Notes

Here are the release notes for the 2022.24.5 software update. The update was first deployed on August 20, and began a wider release on August 23, 2022.

There were also several undocumented changes which you can read more about here.

Tesla Profiles

Keep your settings and preferences synchronized across all supported vehicles using your Tesla account, including:

  • Mirror, seating and steering wheel adjustments
  • Autopilot, driving and climate control preferences
  • Navigation, media and data sharing preferences

You can set up your Tesla Profile from Driver Profile settings and change your profile picture from the Tesla Mobile app.

Blind Spot Camera

Adjust the placement of your blind spot camera on your display by dragging the camera feed. The camera feed will appear in the same position when your blinker is active. To enable, tap Controls > Autopilot > Automatic Blind Spot Camera.


Disable Sentry Sounds

To prevent disturbing neighbours, you can now disable the sounds made by Sentry Mode. Mobile app notifications will still be delivered. To enable this setting on the touchscreen, tap Controls > Safety > Sentry Mode > Disable Sentry Sounds.

Driver Profiles

Any navigation recents or favorites will now be saved to the active driver profile.

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