Tesla to begin Semi production at Fremont and Giga Nevada in mid-2021: Rumour

Tesla Semi production delays appear to finally be over as the automaker is reportedly hoping to manufacture up to 2,500 units before the end of 2021.

According to a source from a current Tesla parts supplier who spoke with Twin Birch co-founder Sawyer Merritt, initial production in 2021 will be split between the automaker’s current facilities. The body of the semi will be built at Fremont, with final assembly occurring at Giga Nevada.

The production process will move to Giga Texas in 2022, but parts of it could remain at Giga Nevada, the source added.

Pilot production will reportedly begin in July, with full production beginning in August 2021. Initially production will be limited to 100 units per week in 2021 (2,500 total). That will ramp up to 500 per week in 2022 for a total production target of 10,000 units next year, increasing to 25,000 units for both 2023 and 2024.

Also Read: White Tesla Semi spotted on highway near Sacramento, California

It is worth nothing these estimates are based on the parts required from this one supplier. Other suppliers could be used for the same parts which would increase these projections.

Last month during the company’s Q4 2020 earnings call CEO Elon Musk said the company would begin production this year. He explained the delays have been the result of not having enough battery cells for the electric truck, which require 5x more than a conventional electric car.

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