September 26, 2024

Tesla Starts Work on Construction Road for Giga Berlin Expansion

Tesla has cleared more of the tree plantation surrounding Giga Berlin, as the company continues its work to expand the factory. On Wednesday 3,000 trees from the plantation were cleared to make way for a new 3km (1.86 mile) construction road that will be used transport materials and alleviate traffic on nearby public roads during the expansion.

According to a report from rbb24, workers under police protection began clearing trees in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The police protection was needed as the work was being carried out near a treehouse protest camp set up by the “Stop Tesla” initiative.

The work, which started at around 2am, caught the protestors off guard, who expressed frustration and outrage at the timing and scale of the event.

A spokesperson for the “Stop Tesla” group described the nighttime work as a deliberate provocation. “We were blindsided by the floodlights and heavy machinery moving around the camp in the middle of the night,” the spokesperson said, adding that the unexpected arrival of workers and police felt like an intimidation tactic.

Despite the protesters’ concerns, Deutsche Bahn, the railway company overseeing the road construction, insisted that the timing was driven by logistical needs. Michael Klein, a spokesperson for Deutsche Bahn, explained that moving in the night allowed the workers to get machinery on-site and begin operations without delay, denying any intention of provocation.

A police spokesperson also clarified that their presence was intended to maintain safety, both for workers and protestors, and to prevent any potential crimes related to the construction work. No arrests were reported, and while the protest camp remains, police have indicated that they will not evict them as long as the demonstrations remain peaceful.

The expansion of Giga Berlin has been a contentious issue in Grünheide. Earlier this year, a local referendum revealed that the majority of residents were opposed to Tesla’s plans, which involve clearing large sections of a surrounding cardboard plantation.

Despite the opposition, local officials granted approval for the expansion, arguing that it would bring economic benefits and jobs to the region.

In response to environmental concerns, Tesla has made changes to its development plans, reducing the amount of trees to be cleared.

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