September 28, 2024

Tesla shutting down Giga Berlin for five days in June

Tesla has scheduled five days of downtime at Giga Berlin in June, marking the third time Tesla has shut down production in Germany this year, however the two previous shutdowns were due to external factors outside of the company’s control.

According to an official statement from Tesla, the factory will see a planned shutdown on June 7, 14, 17, 27, and 28. THe entire factory won’t be shut down however, as the shutdown will only impact vehicle production and powertrain, while the casting, plasma, and cell areas will remain operational throughout the month.

Tesla says during this planned shutdown they will “optimize processes in the factory” and “prepare them for future challenges.” (via Handelsblatt)

During this planned shutdown, Tesla has assured its employees that it will not affect them financially. The company has confirmed that these will be paid-off days, and those who have already taken permission for leave during these days will get them credited back.

Additionally, employees in the operational areas who won’t benefit from the production break now will receive a compensatory day for each working day.

ALSO READ: Tesla phases out HW3 as Giga Berlin starts Model Y production with HW4

As we noted, this isn’t the first time Tesla has hit the pause button at Giga Berlin. Earlier this year, the company was forced to halt production for over a week following an arson attack on a nearby electricity pylon that impacted not only Giga Berlin, but also that of local residents, hospitals, police stations, and other critical facilities.

Then last month Tesla also shut down production for one day due to planned protests over the company’s plans to expand the factory.

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