BC Hydro DC fast chargers nearly complete in Burns Lake, Houston delayed until 2021

Electric vehicle (EV) drivers in the northern half of British Columbia will soon have a new DC fast charging option, but a second one has been delayed until next year.

Construction of the new charging station in Burns Lake is nearly complete, and according to BC Hydro should open in early October. The station is located in the municipal parking lot adjacent to the Tweedsmuir Hotel on Roumieu Drive, which is also home to a Level 2 charger.

BC Hydro is covering the entire cost of the project, estimated to be about $250,000. Once installed, it will be free for drivers to use, but the utility company does have plans to implement charging fees once approved by the BC Utilities Commission.

EV drivers in and around Houston won’t be so lucky, as the BC Hydro DC fast charger station there has been delayed until some time in 2021.

The station was originally scheduled to open this fall. Construction will begin once the local council decides on a key portion of the city’s ongoing downtown improvement program.

Source: Burns Lake District News

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