For many people, it’s not uncommon to misplace your car keys. Or in the case of Tesla owners, misplace your phone or key card, and then you’re left feverishly looking around so you can make it to your appointment on time.
But if you’re like Ben Workman, you can forgo this menial task and simply implant the Tesla chip in your hand so you’ll never misplace your car key again.
Aside from the Tesla implant, Workman also has 3 others in his hands that allow him to unlock doors at work, log on and off of his computer, and share contact information in the same way that Apple Pay and Android Pay transmit information.
The Tesla implant was the most difficult to ‘install’ according to Workman, which required a bit of convincing to get a piercing studio to help him become one with his Tesla. “I figured they would be fine with it, but they took one look at the thing I had in my hands and they said no,” Workman told Fox13.
If you’re not quite as adventurous as Workman, you could go the more conventional route and get a custom-made Tesla ring, that performs the same function, but doesn’t require you to implant something under your skin.