Tesla Energy Ventures approved to sell electricity in Texas

Last week, the Texas Public Utility Commission confirmed that Tesla Energy Ventures is licensed to “provide electric service throughout the area served by ERCOT,” or the Electric Reliability Council of Texas.

This means that Tesla Energy Ventures can now sell electricity to almost the entirety of Texas.

The paperwork was originally filed back in the summer.

However, Tesla Energy Ventures continues to be a bit of an unknown entity. The plan seems to target existing Tesla customers.

But, the path forward to expand the client base is not clear.

Tesla can already create a virtual power plant with their existing technology. With solar panels, a Powerwall or a car acting as a battery, every Tesla solar roof could become a virtual power plant for the company.

This is not a new idea for Tesla, and in fact, the company has two virtual power plants running already. The first, in South Australia, with a second in beta in California.

How or when Tesla Energy Ventures starts selling into the Texas market remains a big question mark. The other question is whether the company uses battery packs, virtual power plants, or a hybrid model.

Either way Tesla Energy Ventures is certainly turning heads in one of the largest energy markets in the US.

Tesla files to become an electricity provider in Texas

Source: Gizmodo

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