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Google Maps may soon improve functionality for EV drivers in future update
If you’ve ever used Google Maps to look for charging stations near you, you will probably know that you still need to use the charging station app to pay for your charging session. Google Maps […]

Fire at Supercharger turns out to be fire next to Supercharger
Last weekend it was reported by mainstream media outlets that a Tesla Supercharger caught fire at a convenience store in New Jersey. The Tesla hate was apparent as media and Tesla short sellers quickly picked […]

Chevrolet Corvette beats out Tesla Model 3 to win MotorTrend Car of the Year
Last week MotorTrend announced the 3 finalists for its “Car of the Year” award. The three finalists were the Tesla Model 3, which has won numerous awards around the world this year, the 2020 Chevrolet […]

Tesla Test-Drive event coming to Victoria BC on November 23-24, 2019
If you live on Vancouver Island, you know the nearest Tesla store is a ferry ride away in Vancouver, so checking them out and going for a test drive is difficult, time consuming, and expensive. […]

Porsche Taycan deliveries delayed 8-10 weeks due to production complexity
If you have a new Porsche Taycan EV on order, expect to receive notification soon from Porsche that your delivery is going to be delayed by up to 10 weeks. Porsche has already begun emailing […]

New Fuel Price Transparency Act could soon be law in BC
If you’re from BC, you’ve heard and seen how gas prices have fluctuated wildly this year, reaching record high levels of $1.70+ per litre for regular gas in Greater Vancouver and Victoria this past summer. […]