Union of BC Municipalities passes resolution for “Right to Charge” legislation in BC

From September 23 to 27, the Union of BC Municipalities, formed to provide a common voice for local governments across the province, met in Vancouver BC at the Convention Centre to discuss all things politics. The group puts forward resolutions which attempt to help guide decisions that are made by the BC Government. The resolutions brought forward by municipalities ranged from local government autonomy to climate change to speed limits, many of which received support from delegates.

One important resolution from this year was one requesting the BC Government enact “Right to Charge” legislation, which would require all condo stratas, apartment owners and developers to provide charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

Typically if you live in a condo or apartment, it is very tough to install your own EV charger. You have to get permission from the strata, and the cost of installation can be prohibitive for many.

Hopefully this is the first step in the right direction, giving the viable option of purchasing an EV to people who don’t live in single family dwellings.

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