Three new Superchargers begin construction in Ontario

The number of Superchargers in Ontario is set to receive a big boost, with construction commencing on new Supercharger stations in Kitchener, Ignace, and Dryden.


The location in Kitchener will be at the Kitchener Waterloo Tesla Service Centre at 663 Victoria Street N. According to representatives in the Service Centre, these will be publicly accessible and will be Tesla’s new V3 Superchargers, capable of charging at speeds up to 250kWh. eric1856 on TMC posted these photos showing the early construction progress. No confirmation has been received on the number of stalls at this location.


The Ignace location will be at 304 Main Street, in the Ignace Town Plaza. This station will feature 6 stalls, also with the latest V3 Superchargers. Photos below from Sirdork on TMC.


Finally, the Dryden Supercharger will be at 640 Government Street, at the Red River Co-op. This location will be built with 6 V3 Sueprcharger stalls. Photos below from MarcoRP on TMC.

If you’re having trouble keeping up, so are we. These Superchargers add to stations in Kenora ON, Whitewood SK and White River ON waiting for power, Woodstock NB, Salisbury NB, Saint John NB, and Regina SK now open, with another in Medicine Hat AB nearing completion.

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