September 18, 2024

Tesla confirms vision-based Autosteer speed limit increase to 85mph/140kmh [Update]

Tesla has confirmed that the vision-based version of Autosteer will soon be getting an upgrade to its top speed limit.

According to the Tesla Vision support page, Autosteer will now be limited to a maximum speed of 85mph/140kmh. This is an increase from the previous limit of 80mph/130kmh, but still below the limit for cars equipped with radar which currently sits at 90mph/144km/h. (h/t: @tesla_adri)

The change is visible on both the Canadian and US versions of the support page, although not everyone is reporting being able to see the change, so it might still be propagating through Tesla’s servers. Drive Tesla was able to see the new figures, as shown in the screenshots below.

Even though the website is now stating the new limit, we have yet to receive any reports of owners seeing the change in their cars, meaning a software update will be released soon to include the upgraded limit.

UPDATE 6:10pm PST: According to a source, the software update will be 2022.12.3.4.

For Full Self-Driving (FSD) Beta testers, that will be 10.12, which Elon Musk said would be released last weekend, but has apparently run into some bugs as it has still not been released.

This update to the website confirms what Elon Musk said would happen soon. In April Musk replied to Tesla enthusiast Zack (@BLKMDL3) who asked for an increase to the limit, to which Musk replied with his signature “Coming soon.”


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