Tesla owner suffers only minor injuries after his Model 3 flies 85 feet through the air and 150 feet down an embankment [Photos]

Elon Musk has said safety is Tesla’s number one priority when designing their cars. That passion for safety paid off for one owner in Washington State after his Model 3 went flew 85 feet through the air, colliding with a few trees along the way, and he suffered only minor injuries.

The incident took place at the Capital Mall in Olympia. According to Black Lake Towing, the driver is believed to have had a medical emergency resulting in the car speeding out of control across the parking lot.

The Model 3 reportedly left the roadway and collided with a tree about 20 feet in the air. That impact spun the car around, sending it into several other trees.

Black Lake Towing estimates the car travelled about 85 feet through the air before coming to rest down a steep embankment about 150 feet away from the parking lot.

Photos from the scene show the Model 3 is severely damaged, with the windshield and glass roof shattered and the sub-trunk, rear bumper, and right rear wheel completely missing.

But remarkably the passenger cabin is largely intact, which allowed the driver to suffer only minor injuries.

The Model 3 is obviously a total loss, but after surviving this accident it would not be surprising if the owner has already placed an order for another one.

Here are some more photos of the accident taken by Black Lake Towing. (h/t: Jason Horne)

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