Tesla has raised the price of its flagship Model X in both Canada and the United States. The price hikes are significant, especially for buyers in the U.S. as the electric SUV no longer qualifies for the $7,500 federal tax credit. It is also the second price increase in less than a week for the Model X in Canada.
Price Increases in Canada
In Canada, the price of both variants of the Model X have increased by C$7,000. This brings the new price to C$121,990 for the All-Wheel Drive (AWD) variant, while the Model X Plaid now sits at C$142,990.
As we mentioned, this is the second price increase in less than a week for the Model X in Canada. On February 1st the company raised prices on both variants by $4,000, along with other significant price increases on all their vehicles. This means the Model X is now $11,000 more expensive than it was last week.

There were no price changes to the Model S AWD (C$114,990) or Plaid (C$135,990).
Price Increases in the U.S.
In the United States, Tesla has implemented a US$5,000 increase, also across both trims. The Model X Long Range now starts at US$84,990, while the Plaid variant jumps to US$99,990.
This was an important price increase for the Model X AWD as it no longer qualifies for the federal US$7,500 tax credit in the U.S. because it now sits above the $80,000 threshold for the program.