September 15, 2024

Tesla China owners up in arms over price cuts they missed

As Tesla China slashed its vehicles’ prices for the second time in as many months, hundreds of upset existing Tesla owners gathered at Tesla facilities to demand rebates.

Around 200 recent buyers gathered at a Tesla delivery centre in Shanghai to demand refunds, credits or rebates on recently purchased vehicles.

This was not a one-off gathering, with gatherings happening at Tesla delivery centres and showrooms around the country.

After yet another price slash on Friday, Tesla vehicles are now between 13 and 24 per cent cheaper than September pricing.

While it is not uncommon for automakers to cut prices to manage inventory during downturns, slashing twice in a few months is rare.

Although the gathering was disruptive, it did not cause delays or issues at the facilities.

At the Shanghai gathering, police facilitated a meeting between the owners and Tesla staff.

The Tesla owners provided Tesla staff with a list of demands, including compensation and an apology from the automaker.

Tesla China employees committed to responding by Tuesday.

It will be interesting to see how things go, but if Tesla does provide discounts, it would be the first time for the company.

We will provide updates as we get them on this developing story.

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