Tesla begins clearing land north of Giga Berlin for factory expansion

With less than a year of production under its belt Tesla is preparing to begin a large expansion at Giga Berlin. On Friday crews are scheduled to begin clearing approximately 173 acres (70 hectares) of land at the northern end of their 300 acre parcel.

Along with the clearing Tesla is also preparing to submit a permit application before the end of the year for the expansion of the factory.

According to documents seen by Drive Tesla, the expansion will include both new buildings and to existing facilities.

The largest expansion will take place north of the existing Gigafactory building, where two new buildings will be constructed for electric vehicle production.

Expansion plans also include building additional powertrain and battery production facilities.

In the image below, areas in yellow denote new construction, and orange is for expansion of existing facilities, some of which is already underway.

For the tree clearing, Tesla says all the necessary conservation measures have already been implemented or are in the process of being carried out.

The automaker says they have already planted approximately 741 hectares (300 hectares) of “very high-quality mixed forest” in the Brandenburg area. Not only that, but Tesla highlights that they have also ecologically upgraded approximately 247 acres (100 hectares) of existing pine forest around Giga Berlin.

Since the expansion will take place in stages, Tesla will also submit permit applications in stages as the project progresses.

Tesla is also planning to expand Giga Berlin on a neighbouring 247 acre (100 hectare) parcel of land. Those plans include building a new Service and Delivery Center to hand over cars built at the factory to new owners, and maintain them once they’re on the road.

Also planned are new facilities for Giga Berlin employees, including recreation and training rooms, as well as a daycare center.

Tesla outlines their plans for Giga Berlin’s 247 acre expansion

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