Jay Leno gets to drive the Drako GTE Supercar

Last month we showed you the promotional video from Drako, showing off their upcoming GTE (Grand Touring Electric) Supercar taking on a P100D in an all-out drag race.

Now the California-based Drako Motors handed over their prototype vehicle to Jay Leno to be featured on his CNBC show, Jay Leno’s Garage. You might have also seen that Leno was spotted this past weekend driving Tesla CEO Elon Musk around in the Cybertruck while also filming an upcoming segment for his show.

The most eye-popping feature of the car is the price, about $1.3 million USD. At around 10X the price of a fully spec’d out Tesla Model S P100D, Leno rightly points out that for that much of a price difference, the GTE has to be a stand out.

While driving it on LA roads, Leno asks his passenger, Drako VP and co-founder Shiv Sikand if the vehicle was delivering the full 1,200 horsepower that it is supposed to because the acceleration didn’t feel like a 1,200hp car. Leno noted that for the price tag and the 1,200hp stat, he was expecting more from the prototype EV.

Sikand points out that their goal when developing and building the GTE was to rather go for a high top-speed, so the acceleration is maybe not as fast as some other supercars.

After seeing the first non-Drako employee getting to test the car out a little bit (Leno didn’t put it through its paces to test out the torque vectoring), it appears as though the price tag might not live up to what the car can deliver in terms of performance.

If you’ve got a spare $1.3 million USD laying around, get a Model S P100D, and throw in a Performance Model 3 for good measure, and go for a swim in the other $1.1 million like Scrooge McDuck.

Scrooge McDuck

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