September 18, 2024

First downloads of Tesla’s V10 software update now appearing in Canada

It took a while (felt like forever) but we are now getting reports that V10 has started to roll out to Canadian owners, as seen by this screenshot from Nas in Brampton, Ontario.

V10-in-Canada-on-Tesla-app 2

It appears that so far the release notes and features are the exact same for Canadian Tesla owners, with one big (and not surprising) omission – Smart Summon is not coming to Canada.

As we are all painfully aware, Tesla’s Summon feature in Canada is neutered compared to our US counterparts, due in part to stricter Canadian regulations that mean the user has to be within a few feet of their vehicles for Summon to work. In the US, Summon works within 150 feet of the vehicle.

In good news though, Spotify is appearing in Canada. Bring on Spotify!!

Updates to come.

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