Elon Musk teases that Canada could be home to the next Tesla factory

At Tesla’s annual shareholder meeting, Elon Musk brought up that Tesla may announce a new factory location this year.

During the in-person meeting, Musk teased the crowd by asking where the next Gigafactory should be.

After a bunch of different locations were shouted, Musk said:

We get a lot of Canada. I am half Canadian, maybe I should?

This is not the first time Musk and Tesla have hinted that Canada could be home to the next factory.

During an employee meeting in June, we saw Musk confirm that the company was looking at a new site in North America.

During the Q and A, Musk answered a question about the location of the next Tesla factory.

Musk noted that the company had not confirmed the location, but he did not say it would be in the United States.

As per reporting at the time, Musk said:

We are looking at sites, but we are considering some site options more broadly in North America, so including Canada and Mexico, and the US as well.

The interesting question we have to ask is, if it is Canada, where does it go?

The obvious answer would be adding Tesla into the well-established golden horseshoe region between Toronto and Hamilton.

While other options could include Montreal or Vancouver, as both cities have major international ports with easy export to South American, Asian or European markets.

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