Transport Canada investigating Tesla heat pump issues

After receiving several complaints from owners across the country over the last few weeks, Transport Canada has launched an investigation into the recent heat pump issues in Tesla vehicles.

If you are a regular reader here, you already know that the heat pumps have been failing in extreme cold temperatures, leaving drivers with no heat in temperatures as low as -40°C.

Some of those owners have complained to Transport Canada, the government department that could ultimately issue a recall if they determine an issue is serious enough to warrant one.

While they have to issue one, Transport Canada confirmed in an emailed statement to Drive Tesla they have opened what is referred to as an “Issue Assessment Investigation” into the heat pump failures in Model 3 and Model Y vehicles.

The investigation was launched on January 5, 2022, and will help the gain a “better understanding of the HVAC operation in cold climates” to determine if further action is necessary, potentially leading to a recall depending on their findings.

The investigation was also confirmed to Teslarati.

Tesla is hoping to avoid that by issuing software updates to correct the issue.

The automaker released some critical fixes yesterday in the 2021.44.30.6 software update, but it did not successfully fix the issue for all owners.

Tesla has released another version, 2021.44.30.7 this afternoon with more cold weather improvements that could provide more fixes.

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Tesla 2021.44.30.7 software update rolling out with more cold weather improvements [Updated with Release Notes]

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