Paragould Police adds two Model 3s to the fleet

The Paragould Police Department, located in Paragould, Arkansas, will soon receive two new Model 3s for their police fleet.

The Department will receive the vehicles in early 2022, but there is no set date yet.

Back in September 2021, the Paragould City Council approved the purchase of the two Tesla vehicles for use in the Police Department fleet.

It is estimated that the two Model 3s will save the Department $7,400 in fuel and maintenance costs per year.

The Department is putting the Tesla Model 3s in a pilot program with the traffic division. Multiple officers will drive them, and the vehicles will provide the traffic enforcement team with another tool around Paragould.

The pilot program allows the Department to move the vehicles as they need. If they do not work well in traffic, they will move over to one of the other divisions.

However, stats and data from other police forces around the United States show that Tesla’s perform well as a police vehicle.

In fact, most police departments note that Tesla’s provide even better performance than initially expected.

Source: KAIT8 via Tesmanian

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