BASENOR Tesla Model 3 Center Console Organizer Tray [REVIEW]

A pet peeve of many new Tesla Model 3 owners is there is no convenient place to store your sunglasses. A cheap and easy solution to this problem is to get an organizer tray for your center console.

The front section of the center console on a Tesla Model 3 is quite large, but poorly under-utilized. This is the space where the two front USB plugs are located, so easy access to this spot is necessary. There are several options out there for a center console tray, but I went with the one from Basenor on Amazon for just $14.99.

These trays originally appeared as a 3D print you could do yourself, but many found the materials used in the 3D printing process didn’t stand up and were too slippery. This unit is made from durable ABS plastic, and feels very solid in your hand. Included with the tray are rubber liners for the two larger compartments, which helps prevent your items from sliding around. Which, lets be honest, can easily happen when driving a Tesla. It simply sits in the open space, and to remove it you just lift it up by gripping the separator in the middle of the tray.

There is also a convenient spot to keep spare change, which can easily fit a toonie ($2 coin for any non-Canadians reading this).

I also use this spot to keep some miscellaneous membership cards, my ChargePoint charging card that I keep with me just in case my phone doesn’t work, and a cleaning cloth for my screen (which is protected by an Elon Accessories Matte screen protector, so it doesn’t get much use).

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