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German taxi company buys 50 Model 3’s in effort to reduce costs
It seems like 2019 was a good year for Tesla vehicles expanding into the taxi market. In Canada, Kelowna Cabs added a Long Range (LR) Model 3 to their taxi fleet. Current Taxi, also based […]

New Tesla Camp Mode easter egg discovered [VIDEO]
In Tesla’s holiday software update, 2019.40.50.1, a new ‘Camp Mode’ feature was released, and someone has already discovered a neat easter egg that accompanies the new setting. ‘Camp Mode’ is described as follows in the […]

Satellite maps and live traffic now available for SR+ in Canada, and streaming over LTE is back too
When Tesla pushed the holiday software update, 2019.40.50.1 out to Canadian owners over the last couple of days, there was an unfortunate side effect for Standard Range Plus (SR+) owners. After the update, there was […]

Merry Christmas from Drive Tesla Canada
The team here at Drive Tesla Canada just wanted to take a moment to thank all our readers and supporters during 2019. We hope you and yours are enjoying a relaxing holiday season together. Let’s […]

Tesla’s holiday software update 2019.40.50.1 now in wide release, but Canada left out of FSD preview, and SR+ loses features [Update]
As promised by Santa Elon Musk, Tesla’s latest software update, 2019.40.50.1 is now in wide release across Canada, as users from coast-to-coast have reported getting the update on Christmas eve. Tesla holiday software update has […]

A Better RoutePlanner (ABRP) now available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store
If you’ve ever tried to plan a long distance road trip in your Tesla, chances are you’ve used the website ‘A Better Routeplanner’ to help plan your trip. The problem was it was only available […]