One of the biggest questions from new Tesla owners is after they see the message that their car’s regenerative braking has been temporarily reduced.
“Regenerative braking temporarily reduced. Will improve as vehicle is driven.”
A visit to any social media platform and you can easily find dozens of posts from owners asking what the message means.
Experienced owners know this message appears when the battery is either cold, or has been fully charged. When this occurs the vehicle does not slow down as much, or at all, when you take your foot off the accelerator.
In what appears to be an attempt to eliminate the confusion, Tesla has updated the wording of the message in a recent software update.
The new message does not reference regenerative braking at all, and instead says there is “limited deceleration” and to “use the brake pedal as needed.”
“Limited deceleration when accelerator is released. OK to drive – Use brake pedal as needed.”
As you can see, Tesla also added the phrase “OK to drive.”
This wording usually appears when there is something wrong with the car, like the message “Power limited. OK to Drive – please schedule service” or “OK to drive – please schedule service.”
Do you think this new message is clearer and easier to understand for new owners? Let us know in the comments below.
Teen fails driving test due to regenerative braking in his Tesla Model 3