Tesla Insurance goes live in Utah and Maryland

According to an update on Tesla’s website, Tesla Insurance is now live in Utah and Maryland.

With the addition of Utah and Maryland, Tesla Insurance is now in eleven states.

As per Twitter user Sawyer Merritt, Tesla Insurance now covers a population of over 130 million people or 39.5 per cent of the US population.

Sawyer even updated his infamous map to show that Tesla Insurance continues to grow.

Getting insurance companies up and running in the United States is no small task as insurance goes down to the state level.

Each state has their requirements and their hoops to hop through.

So, this is why you continue to see Tesla Insurance slowly grow state by state.

One of the next states expected to receive it is Georgia, and that should happen before the end of the year.

As Elon Musk noted in an interview, the insurance game is a slow process.

Musk noted:

…generally, it’s a very slow process of getting the various licenses in all the states and every state is different. So it’s paperwork insanity. We’re expanding as quickly as we can and I’m not sure about Louisiana but eventually, we intend to be in all states and Canada and hopefully the world.

So, the question is, where does Tesla Insurance open up first in Canada? Our bet is Ontario.

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