Tesla delaying North American deliveries until December

As we saw last week when Tesla updated their pricing on some of the Model 3 variants, wait times for new purchases of Tesla vehicles changed from the usual 2-4 weeks, to a much more nail-biting wait of as much as 8-10 weeks.

Now we know why, after a Tesla advisor’s recent email to a reader of Tesla in Canada. The extended delay is due to Tesla wanting to get as many vehicles as possible to Europe and China in the coming months, at the cost of delaying North American deliveries.

“Tesla is currently going to a production switch. Currently all of the factory made vehicles are being sent to Europe and China so we are looking at a November – December delivery for the East Coast. I’ve been looking around to match you to cars we have on the ground but as of right now we do not have any inventory matching you configuration. Sorry about the delay, we just received word of this plan 2 days ago.”

The availability of the Canadian federal $5,000 incentive for purchasing a Tesla is likely to continue with the Liberal party winning a minority government in the election yesterday, so this hopefully won’t impact recent orders that won’t get delivered until nearly the end of the year. For owners in B.C., the $3,000 CEVforBC incentive fund still has a little under $11,000,000 available. Depending on how quickly those funds get depleted, you will probably be ok to receive the incentive for a delivery in 2019.

BC CEV incentive funds available

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