‘Maybe next month’, says Elon Musk on FSD Beta in Canada

Elon Musk has provided an update on when Full Self-Driving (FSD) Beta might arrive in Canada, and if we are being optimistic, it might arrive just in time for Christmas.

After countless questions over the last few months about when it will expand north of the border, Musk finally replied to a question by Tesla Silicon Valley Club on Twitter last night.

Although the wording was a little vague, even by Musk’s standards.

“No guarantees, but maybe next month,” he said. The reason for the delay? Musk again cited differences between US and Canadian roads.

The explanation seems a little confusing, as we have recently seen evidence that FSD Beta works just as well on Canadian roads as it does in the US.

If you haven’t been following the FSD Beta Canada story, you shouldn’t get too excited at this latest timeline.

There is no guarantee it will be released next month, as Musk has said as far back as November 2020 that it was coming “next month.” If you’re counting, that’s one year ago, almost to the day.

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