Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX in land dispute; demands Twitter/X as compensation

SpaceX is facing its latest lawsuit courtesy of Cards Against Humanity. The contention is that the space exploration company is encroaching on land purchased by the latter to thwart former President Trump’s effort to build the Mexico wall. The company is suing for $15 million but has indicated it will accept “” as compensation.

According to the lawsuit filed in Texas, SpaceX has been trespassing and damaging a vacant property in Cameron County, Texas, for about a month by clearing vegetation, compacting the soil, and installing generators to power its equipment.

SpaceX has already bought properties surrounding the lot in question.

Cards Against Humanity acquired the lot in 2017 in protest to frustrate Trump’s plan to construct a border wall with Mexico. It was the product of crowdfunding, involving 150,000 people contributing $15 each.

However, the organization now alleges SpaceX has caused damage by building huge modern buildings that have altered the dynamics of the area. It also claims the company’s actions have damaged its relationship with its current and future ‘customers’ because they now imply that it is associated with SpaceX.

Cards Against Humanity claims SpaceX offered to buy the plot with an offer less than half the property’s actual value. However, the organization rejected the offer, preferring a showdown in court.  

According to a notice posted to its website, “Elon Musk’s SpaceX was building some space thing nearby, and he figured he could just dump all his shit all over our gorgeous plot of land without asking. After we caught him, SpaceX gave us a 12-hour ultimatum to accept a lowball offer for less than half our land’s value. We said, ‘Go f**k yourself, Elon Musk. We’ll see you in court.'”

In another dispute, Musk has called the FAA’s latest fines politically motivated.

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