SpaceX application for basic telecommunications licence in Canada closes for comment today

SpaceX has been continuing to send up satellites at a rapid pace, and also recently opened up applications to invite beta testers for their satellite internet service.

As part of the process to offer the service in Canada, SpaceX has applied for a “Basic International Telecommunications Services (BITS) Licence” from the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CTRC).

The application, which was submitted on May 20, 2020, is open for comment from any Canadian either in favour of, or against, SpaceX bringing internet access to rural and underserved parts of Canada.

Since being posted, nearly 1,300 ‘Interventions’ have been submitted (click here to read them). In reviewing a number of the submissions, Drive Tesla found only positive comments in support of the application.

Rural telecommunications service, while only affecting 10-15% of the population, should be supported to the fullest extent possible by the Federal Government. Competition in the field would be expanded by Space Exploration Technologies joining the sector and help increase online opportunities to those outside suburban and downtown areas.”

SpaceX promises to deliver high speed internet access for rural areas that have been critically under serviced for too long. I have been working from home for months now with extremely limited internet and extremely high bills for low quality service. There are no options for me from any current Canadian telecom. It is important to allow this entry into the market so underserviced areas have a viable option.”

How to show your support for SpaceX internet in Canada

This link should take you directly to the ‘Intervention Comment Form’, where you have to check the box at the bottom before you can enter your comments.

After clicking the checkbox, the submission form will open where you can submit your intervention either as just a comment, in opposition of, or in support of SpaceX.

If the link above doesn’t work, search for International Licence Application 8190-S206-202002799 – Space Exploration Technologies Corp. on this page.

The period to submit comments closes today, June 19, 2020, so be sure to do it soon.

h/t [MobileSyrup]

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