If you have recently noticed the non-matrix headlights of your Tesla have started flickering, you are not going crazy. The good news is a service appointment is not required and your headlights don’t need to be replaced, but will instead be fixed through an upcoming software update.
We first became aware of this issue last week, when we were contacted by Angelo (@angelo_6ix), owner of a 2020 Model Y with non-matrix headlights who said they were flickering, seemingly after updating to software version 2024.2.3. The issue can’t easily be replicated on demand, but Angelo was able to capture it and shared a video with us, which you can see below.
After scheduling a service appointment for this flickering issue, Tesla said in a message that their Engineering team has identified the issue and are “taking actions related to the flickering of the headlight,” and that with “future updates this issue should be resolved.”

Tesla did not give a timeline for when the fix will be deployed, but since the message was sent, the owner has updated to 2024.2.6, and the issue is still present.
The issue appears to only be affecting cars with the non-matrix headlights on both the Model 3 and Model Y. To tell which version you have, matrix headlights have a round bulb on the outer edge of the headlight housing. In the image below, non-matrix headlights are on the white Model Y, and matrix headlights are on the red Model Y.

As Tesla says in their message, all you can do now is wait and make sure your car is connected to WiFi to download the latest updates as they become available.
Have you noticed this headlight flickering issue? Let us know in the comments below.